- Waktu Preorder: 15 Hari
Price in US$
Livox Avia laser sensor & AGS 302 POS
Interchangeable for Drones and
Car-based Platform Survey
< 0.9 kg
Support Aerial Platform:
Multi-Copter, HandHeld, Mobile
FoV: 70° the circular scan view
Up to 250m range
720,000 Points/Sec
Output point cloud data format: LAS format, custom TXT format
Lidar Sensor:
Livox AVIA
Support Camera:
Optional (any digital cam)
Easy to operate:
one-button process data collection
The software :
Shuttle; gAirHawk
POS Accuracy (200Hz)
Pitch : 0.025°; Roll: 0.025°;
Yaw: 0.08°
GNSS Accuracy
RTK / PPK : Hz. < 5cm + 1 ppm
Elev. < 10cm + 1 ppm